Rebranding the Show: What To Expect From "I Fired My Boss" - Dan Claps, Christian Dadulak

In the first episode of the newly rebranded "I Fired My Boss" podcast, hosts Dan Claps and Christian Dadulak introduce the show and discuss the reasons behind the name change. Previously known as the "Franchise Founders Podcast," the hosts explain their desire to focus on helping individuals achieve the American dream of business ownership. They aim to provide aspiring franchisees with the right information and insights from successful franchisees to equip them for success in their entrepreneurial journey. The hosts express their intention to feature franchisees and thought leaders from both within and outside the franchising industry, offering authentic and transparent stories about the ups and downs of franchising to help listeners make informed decisions about pursuing franchise ownership.

The hosts emphasize the podcast's goal of inspiring and empowering individuals to take control of their lives by firing their bosses, whether that boss is a literal figure or a metaphor for anything that holds them back from becoming the CEO of their own lives. They discuss the gratifying feeling of achieving financial freedom and share their excitement about the rebranding, promising unadulterated stories about the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of franchise ownership. The hosts express their gratitude to the audience for their support and reveal upcoming changes, including new cover art and branding. Overall, the "I Fired My Boss" podcast aims to provide valuable insights and resources for anyone considering franchise ownership, offering a platform to learn from the experiences of successful franchisees and inspiring stories of those who have escaped the corporate world to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Welcome to the I Fired My Boss Franchise podcast, hosted by Dan Claps and Christian Dadulak. Dan Claps is the founder and CEO of Franchise Playbook, a franchise or platform that creates, owns and operates dynamic franchise brands in the mobile services space. His life's goal is to help people just like you fire their boss and become a business owner. Christian Dadulak is a top franchise consultant and co-founder of Real Franchising, a leading franchise consulting firm. And together they're on a mission to help people fire their boss, hire themselves, and live the American dream through franchise ownership.

If you want to fire your boss, make sure you head on over to and fill out the form to schedule a no-cost consultation. And if you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe, leave a review and share with a friend who might also want to fire their boss.

The I Fired My Boss Podcast is a huge supporter of the International Franchise Association (IFA). If you are a fan of franchising and have an interest in joining the franchise community, the IFA is a great place to start! Learn more here:
Rebranding the Show: What To Expect From "I Fired My Boss" - Dan Claps, Christian Dadulak
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