IFA Recap - Stories from the 2023 International Franchise Association Convention - Dan Claps, Christian Dadulak

In this episode, Dan and Christian are joined by the largest group of franchise experts they've had in a single show. Zach Nolte, Wade Milward, Christian Betancourt, Steve Miller, and Aaron Harper share some fun stories from the 2023 International Franchise Association Annual Convention. They discuss the relationships they've formed over the years and how they've impacted their personal and professional lives. 

Welcome to the Franchise Founders Podcast. We are on a mission to help aspiring entrepreneurs just like you take action through franchise ownership allowing you to obtain more financial freedom, time with family, and ultimately, a business that can run on its own without you.

Dan Claps has co-founded several franchise development firms and currently runs Franchise Playbook. Christian Dadulak is a successful Franchise Consultant and runs his independent Franchise Consulting business, Real Franchising. 

Franchise Founders is a huge supporter of the International Franchise Association (IFA). If you are a fan of franchising and have an interest in joining the franchise community, the IFA is a great place to start! Learn more here: 
IFA Recap - Stories from the 2023 International Franchise Association Convention - Dan Claps, Christian Dadulak
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